
Terms and Conditions

Payment Terms and Conditions (by authorizing work you agree to these conditions)
Automotive Repairs - Payment is due within 30 days of work being authorized, parts are to be paid for in full by customer before repairs will begin unless otherwise agreed. 
All repairs come with a 12 month 15,000 mile warranty on LABOR, parts warranty is not covered but may be provided by vendor or mfg.  If part is a USED PART supplied by Pat's Salvage and Service directly then that part has a 6 month 10,000 mile warranty unless otherwise stated and this warranty ONLY applies to parts installed by Pat's Salvage and Service as used parts installed by the customer only have a 30 day flat warranty otherwise.
Any vehicle left more than 5 days after work has ended may be subject to a $20.00 per day storage fee that will be added to the bill and must be paid in full before vehicle will be released.
If vehicle/item is left and labor has been rendered and parts have not been paid for or provided after 30 days the vehicle/item is considered to be abandoned and a lien will be placed on the vehicle and the vehicle/item auctioned off or disposed of in accordance with Tennessee mechanics and laborer lien law.

Home Repairs/Mowing/Cleanup/Landscaping - Payment is due when service is rendered, cash or barter only, sorry but no checks.

Junk Removal - By authorizing me to remove garbage, goods, vehicles, ect you agree that you have the legal right to transfer said property to me, that it is not stolen, and after transfer of goods you no longer have the right to request the return of any said goods.
You understand I will NOT remove hazardous or unsanitary waste.

Motor Club Road Side Assistance - All services rendered must be paid within 30 days of the date of service being rendered or there will be a $50 late fee added every 30 days thereafter.  After 90 days collection efforts will begin with all fees incurred being assessed to the amount due.  Requests from a motor club company that is 45 days late will be denied service unless it is a cash call.

Locking Lug Nuts Removal - In the event you authorize me to remove a locking lug nut you understand that I will do everything I can to prevent damage to the rim of the vehicle but that I cannot guarantee scratches, scuff, or other damage could not occur and in the event of such you agree that I cannot be held liable for the damage to the vehicle. 

Payment methods accepted:  Cash, PayPal (5% fee added), Check (checks must be preapproved and clear before parts/vehicle can be released), and may not be accepted in every situation. 
In any event unpaid bills will be refered to small claims court for resolution and any fees incurred including labor will be added to the claim.

Conditions subject to change and can be viewed anytime HERE!

Terms and Conditions last updated on:  July 16, 2017 00:29

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