
SearchPrint Ford Taurus Starter Replacement

Ford Taurus Starter Replacement
Date Added: 10/16/2015
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Viewed: 1553 times


 Feel free to watch my how to video



1.  Disconnect battery cables 8mm or 13mm depending on year.

2.  Raise car with a jack, and SAFELY secure with jack stands, DO NOT USE A JACK TO HOLD UP A CAR, THAT IS RETARDED!

3.  Disconnect the trigger wire 10mm (smaller) and the power supply wire 13mm(larger/red)

5.  Remove 2x 13mm starter bolts, be careful starter does not fall and hit you in the face and remove old starter.

5.  Install new starter and tighten starter bolts

6.  Reconnect the power and trigger wires to the starter

7.  Lower car and reconnect battery

Job done! 

Usually these starters go out because oil leaks on them from the oil filter, always check and make sure ever few thousands miles that your oil filter hasn't been leaking on your starter, it destories them fast.

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