Search Blocking ADs
Blocking ADs
Date Added: 7/19/2019 Updated: 20191122223910 Posted by: Patrick
Viewed: 1288 times
Today the internet is full of unwanted ads and scams, here is a list of sites I personally block to reduce my frustrations while browsing online. I simply use my routers function to block these sites, I don't recommend any software to do it though there are several, it's up to you how you block them but I have several devices and it's far easier to just use the settings in my router to do this. If you go that route you will need to consult the documentation on your router if you do not understand how to do so, just have a look on the manufactures website, any router than isn't 15+ years old should be able to do this. I will update this list every so often and will just continue adding to the list.
thewhizproducts.com smallbestfreecheckdataclicks.icu adzopa.com cornsapp.com ezanga.com gearculture.com facebook.com lineprom.com quintag.com hellophoenix.com hotgallery.us media-dl.co mgid.com sunbaked.icu thewhizmarketing.com h00.io myfastcdn.com rtmark.net propellerclick.com stackpathdns.com kerumal.com afforested.ml elinorelex.com popads.net kerumal.com waterless.ml forless.com verifyclicksolutions.com freeweb411.com voluumtrk.com lessonforlife.info takelnk.com notificationstoday.com doubleclick.net